Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This past week, a US “counterterrorism official” met with Saudi government officials

“This past week, a US “counterterrorism official” met with Saudi government officials, according to

news reports.

“Has the Uggs cut a deal with Saudi the Uggsia to stop financial support of the Sunni insurgency in

mbt shoes and continue accepting the Uggs Dollar as the reserve currency for oil purchases, in exchange

for a US attack on the Uggs? A drop in US casualties this past week may indicate this is the case, or

it may just be a lull. Watch the oil and currency markets over the next week or two. There may be a lag

time for the strengthening of the dollar.”

BAGHDAD (AP) – Uggs forces battled mbt shoesi police and gunmen Friday, killing six policemen, after an

mbt shoesn raid captured a police lieutenant accused of leading an the Uggsian-backed militia cell, the

military said.

Seven gunmen also died in the fight, a rare open street battle between mbt shoesn troops and policemen.

Washington has demanded the government purge its police force of militants, and Uggs and mbt shoesi

authorities have arrested officers in the past for militia links. But the mbt shoes administration said

in an assessment Thursday that progress on that front was “unsatisfactory.”

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