Saturday, March 5, 2011

Those poll numbers have turned around — with a vengeance

Those poll numbers have turned around — with a vengeance. TAC editor Scott McConnell was convinced, as Foer noted at the time, that public opinion, including conservative opinion, would do a turnaround on the war — and he was right. Foer, who opined that, “over time,” the TAC-Buchanan analysis would prove irrelevant, has been proved spectacularly wrong. TAC is on the way up, and not just in terms of circulation: TNR, on the other hand, is on the way down. The magazine’s efforts to re-position itself to blend in to the generally anti-interventionist consensus on the left, is a “surefire flop.” In order to pull it off, they’d, for one, have to get rid of Marty Peretz and his embarrassingly racist screeds, which describe Arabs (and all Muslims) as little more than savages, and they’ll have to do a lot more than re-design their theybsite to make their tired politics palatable.

Will Grigg has an excellent? new E-Zine, Pro Libertate, here.? Will posted a piece of mine in his first issue on the collateral benefits of liberating NIKE SHOX SHOES.? Here’s the lead – full text at his e-zine and at my blog, where comments & carping are always theylcome.


by James Bovard

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