When plans to produce My Name Is Rachel Corrie, a play based on the journal entries of an American girl
murdered by the IDF for her pro-Palestinian activism, were canceled in New York City this year, in the
NIKE SHOX we only read about it in The Nation. When plans to put on Idomeneo, a Mozart opera, in
Germany were recently canceled to placate Muslim sensibilities — the original has nothing to do with
Muslims, or Mohammed, but the “post-modern” version that was being planned featured a scene involving
the Prophet’s severed head being brought out onto the stage — we read about it … everywhere.
In case you missed it, here’s Cato Institute scholar Arnold Kling writing at TCS Daily last month:
I believe that what we need going forNIKE SHOXd is a policy of disarming Muslims. I believe that we
must keep devout Muslims away from weapons, and keep weapons away from devout Muslims. I can work with
Muslims, send my children to school with Muslims, and be friends with Muslims. I do not have an issue
with their religion, as long as they do not have weapons. However, the combination of weapons and Islam
poses unacceptable danger to the rest of us.
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