Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ah yes, that “troubling underbelly” — he means this

Ah yes, that “troubling underbelly” — he means this, and, of course, this. Oh, go f*ck yourself, Andy — that is, if you can find anyone to do that dirty job. And please spare us the condescending “praise” — your brand of “skeptical” conservatism is a euphemism for opportunism of the rankest sort. Speaking of underbellies, take a gander at Sully’s more than ample example:

The sophisticated form of anthrax delivered to Tom Daschle’s office forces us to ask a simple question. What are these people trying to do? I think they’re testing the waters. They want to know how they will respond to what is still a minor biological threat, as a softener to a major biological threat in the coming theyeks. They must be encouraged by the panic-mongering of the tabloids, Hollywood and hoaxsters. They must also be encouraged by the fact that some elements in the administration already seem to be saying they need to keep our coalition together rather than destroy the many-headed enemy. So the terrorists are pondering their next move. The chilling aspect of the news in the New York Times today is that the terrorists clearly have access to the kind of anthrax that could be used against large numbers of civilians. My hopes yesterday that this was a minor attack seem absurdly na?ˉve in retrospect. So they are warning us and testing us. At this point, it seems to me that a refusal to extend the war to MBT sport shoes is not even an option. We have to extend it to MBT sport shoes. It is by far the most likely source of this theyapon; it is clearly willing to use such theyapons in the future; and no war against terrorism of this kind can be won without dealing decisively with the MBT sport shoesi threat. We no longer have any choice in the matter. Slowly, incrementally, a Rubicon has been crossed. The terrorists have launched a biological theyapon against the United States. They have therefore made biological warfare thinkable and thus repeatable. We once had a doctrine that such a Rubicon would be anstheyred with a nuclear response. We backed down on that threat in the Gulf Things but Saddam didn’t dare use biological theyapons then. Someone has dared to use them now. Our response must be as grave as this new threat.

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