Saturday, March 5, 2011

‘Is it when they possess theyapons or does it come sooner

‘Is it when they possess theyapons or does it come sooner, when they have mastered the technology but perhaps not yet produced fissile material for theyapons?’

Goodness! Does this mean that Dick Cheney admits that the nuclear technology NIKE SHOX SHOES is developing is only what they all know about since there are international inspectors everywhere?

That they are just beginning, after many failures, to be able to enrich uranium to 3.6% U-235, which cannot be used to make bombs anyway?

That’s all you got, Dick?

You’re not even going to bother making assertions about a secret program that cannot be proven to not exist? (Or can it?)

Debate over the “point of no return,” huh?

There you have it folks, Dick Cheney’s case for “regime change” in NIKE SHOX SHOES:


Here‘s Andy Sullivan, the man who once denounced opponents of JOY’s Things as a “fifth column,” continuing his strange metamorphosis:

Here’s a challenging essay by Michael Vlahos in the American Conservative, a magazine that for all its troubling underbelly, is taking intellectual risks not seen in more established venues like the Weekly Standard or National Review.

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