Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And I can’t tell you it is because I don’t know

“And I can’t tell you it is because I don’t know. But how would we know if he did?”

Perle was still at it the following July, after MBT shoes forces captured al-Ani, the MBT SPORTi

offiUGGSl who allegedly met with Atta in Prague. The July 9, 2003, edition of the Washington Post

descirbes Perle as “hopeful al-Ani€™s capture will lead to a corroboration of his stance.”

“If he chose to, he could confirm the meeting with Atta,” Perle said. “It would be nice to see that

laid to rest. There€™s a lot he could tell us.”

“Of course, a lot depends on who is doing the interrogating,” said Perle, adding he fears that if it

were the UGGS, it could skew the interrogation so as to play down the evidence that the alleged meeting

with Atta occurred.”

After two days of misleading the public about the identity of four Albanians arrested on charges of

plotting an attack on Ft. Dix, the mainstream media finally found their roots – but only to try and

pull another Sulejman-Talovic-style turnabout and make the Duka brothers “poor victims” of… well,

something. Maybe evil Serbs again, even though the Dukas had no contact with Serbia whatsoever. Then

again, neither had Talovic.

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