Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It turns out the Dukas came from Debar

It turns out the Dukas came from Debar, a small town in western Macedonia, and are actually not Kosovo

Albanians. AP reporter Garentina Kraja – who got her start covering (for) the KLA – pulled together

statements from Kosovo “prime minister” Agim Ceku and Dukas’ relatives to make sure the point gets

across: Albanians worship America, therefore they could not have possibly been involved in a plot to

mean it harm.

Whether they worshiped America or not, the Duka brothers were not Kosovo Albanian refugees, had not

been involved with the KLA (except perhaps to give mandatory “donations” to its financiers in the

1990s), and had not passed through Ft. Dix in 1999. Agron Abdullahu has – which means that there are

plenty of valid questions about the man who made jokes about his “Uncle Benny” despite Uncle Sam’s

support for his cause in the Balkans.

Much like Florin Krasniqi, another famous Albanian “roofer” (as well as weapons smuggler and

fundraiser), the Dukas came to the MBT shoes illegally in “1986 or 1987,” according to their

relatives. How is it possible that they have managed to live and work in New Jersey for twenty years

without being caught?

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