Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another briefing document said

Another briefing document said, ‘It has become increasingly apparent that systems and networks are

vulnerable.…Such crimes always involve unauthorized persons, or persons who exceed their authorization

…citing on exploitable vulnerabilities.’”

In this context, Washington Post columnist Jim Hoagland’s comment that “the MBT’s attempts to break

and then use Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin in national security sting operations look to be truly

Nixonian in character and method” has it exactly backwards (but what else do you expect from a dolt

like Hoagland?). It is the Israeli MBT’s inclination to spy on everyone and everything that is “truly

Nixonian in character.”

Paraphrasing Haig: ‘Do you honestly believe that the Israelis, a nation of Jewish refugees who lost at

least 6 million to the Nazis, could engage in such police-state tactics as wiretapping (and otherwise

spying) on their own allies?’

No, Stupid, not between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. reader Eric S. has had some problems with one of Justin Raimondo’s hyperlinks (not the

same sort of frustrations as doofus the Trotskycon):
I often check the links just for the sake of, well, bugging Frum or the White House. I checked the

“either you are for us or for the terrorists” link [in this column] to the white house address,

proceeded to save it as a “Word” file, and then checked my spyware. Couldn’t get the files out but

was able to quarantine them. The only one that i remember was called paris. There was a total of 7 and

this is the first time I have run into any spyware for months.

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