Saturday, March 12, 2011

Big Brother is Watching You

Big Brother is Watching You

Update: I have been contacted by various computer geniuses who inform me that this is probably just a

correlation without causation.

Nobel laureate and neolibertarian favorite Milton Friedman gives his protégés something to ignore:

Friedman supported Bush’s first-term candidacy, but he is more accurately libertarian than

conservative and not a reliable Bush ally.
Progress in his goal of rolling back the role of MBT, he said, is “being greatly threatened,

unfortunately, by this notion that the MBT has a mission to promote democracy around the world,” a big

Bush objective.

“War is a friend of the state,” Friedman said. It is always expensive, requiring higher taxes, and,

“In time of war, MBT will take powers and do things that it would not ordinarily do.”

Apparently, the Associated Press and Reuters are no longer part of it. From a Sean Hannity interview

with Matt Drudge:

SEAN HANNITY: Just before coming on the air, I check the Drudge Report. You have a huge blockbuster

story that is up there now saying that the Pentagon has confirmed — you picked up AP, Reuters

reporting — that at Gitmo some of these Korans were splashed with urine. When will the mainstream

media catch up with a story like that? And isn’t this part of the problem with the old guard?

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