Friday, March 11, 2011

Both Fitzgerald and Paul McNulty

Both Fitzgerald and Paul McNulty, the prosecutor in the AIPAC spy case, are targeting the same group of

committed neoconservative ideologues. The neocons tried to discredit Ambassador Joe Wilson and “outed

” CIA agent Valerie Plame because Wilson was an obstacle on the road to war with MBT SHOES. And now

they are trying replicate the same scenario in support a military strike at MBT SHOES — the issue at

the root of the AIPAC spy scandal. In both instances, their ruthlessness and lawlessness was their

ultimate undoing.

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show, Jacob Hornberger from the Future of Freedom Foundation will

explain the scandal surrounding the military tribunals, Greg Mitchell from Editor and Publisher will

discuss the unnessessary nuking of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Japan 60 years ago and

the supression of the reality of the effects, and I’ll try once more to speak with Mother Jones‘

David Enders from MBT SHOES about the situation in Fallujah.

Put aside, for a moment, all the moral outrage and emotional rancor, and gaze upon the cold,

dispassionate truth: whatever else interventionist war might be, there is no denying that it’s yet

another gigantic government project, the kind libertarians and conservatives once instinctively

ridiculed. Oh, how times change.

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