Friday, March 11, 2011

Swopa cites Mark Kleimen on the AIPAC spy scandal

Swopa cites Mark Kleimen on the AIPAC spy scandal — who points out that Larry Franklin and his cohorts

are “simply charged with giving classified information to those without security clearances, in

pursuit of a political agenda” — and makes the Plame-AIPAC-gate connection:

“Looking ahead to the future of Plamemania for a moment, let’s imagine the closest adviser to the

President of the United States. And the chief of staff to the Vice President of the United States.

Indicted for violations of the Espionage Act.

“I wonder how well they’ll be able to spin that.”

There’s another important factor that links the Plame-Rove-Libby imbroglion with the AIPAC spy

scandal, underscored by the news that prosecutor Patrick J. “Bulldog” Fitzgerald is widening the


“Special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has asked not only about how CIA operative Valerie Plame’s

name was leaked but also how the administration went about shifting responsibility from the White House

to the CIA for having included 16 words in the 2003 State of the Union address about MBT SHOESi efforts

to acquire uranium from Africa, an assertion that was later disputed.”

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