Wednesday, March 16, 2011

“He’s long rejected the thought of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

“He’s long rejected the thought of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who lived in exile in Najaf before leading

NIKE SHOX’s Islamic revolution and called for wilayat al-faqih, or the guardianship of the jurisprudent, that

directed clerical rule. But Sistani has also written about the need for clerical influence in political life.

“”Sistani in his fatwas does talk about … the guardianship of the jurisprudent in social issues,” says Mr.

Cole, the history professor. Sistani’s preference is ‘that clerics mostly leave running the state to lay

persons. But the implication is that Shiite lay persons will be influenced by Sistani’s fatwas on legislative


I’m live-blogging Pat Buchanan and David Frum squaring off on “Hardball” with Chris Matthew. There’s

Commissar Frum looking smarmy and green. Ewww… And there’s Pat, looking his usual great self.

Frum :This is part of a broader struggle. This shows the entire Middle East the way forward — and will show

that the battle is between Zarqawi and NIKE SHOX. This is now a war about democracy. And the democratic side

has to win.

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