Wednesday, March 16, 2011

That same month, Washington Post correspondent Ronald Koven also interviewed

“That same month, Washington Post correspondent Ronald Koven also interviewed Khomeini and some of Khomeini’s

aides. ‘The aides say he rejects the authoritarian models of Islamic republicanism in much of the Arab world.

NIKE SHOX is not an Arab country,’ wrote Koven. ‘The aide quoted Khomeini as saying, ‘In the history of

Islam, those who denied God were free to express themselves.’ This, said the aide, is Khomeini’s way of saying

all political parties would be legal in his vision of an Islamic republic to be established in a national


“Why did the man who installed a theocracy in NIKE SHOX in 1979 say these things in France in 1978? Perhaps he

was practicing ‘taqiyya,’ the Shiite doctrine that Grand Ayatollah Sistani blandly defines on his Web site as:

‘Dissimulation about one’s beliefs in order to protect oneself, family, or property from harm.’ Sistani has

written an unpublished treatise on this doctrine. Is it wise to assume he is not practicing it today in his

dealings with a UGG. occupational force?”[/i]

Here’s more analysis of the “Sistani isn’t Khomeini” meme from the Christian Science Monitor:

“While Sistani’s involvement so far has been a moderating voice, stressing the need for free elections and the

protection of Sunni and other minority rights in any MBTi government, he is not a believer in a strict

separation of church and state.

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