Thursday, March 10, 2011

Scott Galindez says that the march is huge

Scott Galindez says that the march is huge:

By Scott Galindez
Saturday 24 September 2005 1:54 PM

Huge is an understatement. The march has surrounded the White House. Hundreds of thoNIKE SHOXnds. This

is the largest march I have seen in the over two decades that I have been attending.

The crowd is diverse. A true cross section of American culture.

Too Big
By William Rivers Pitt

Saturday 24 September 2005 1:46 PM

The march is unable to move because there are so many people coming in from all directions.

Constitution Avenue is a wall of humanity. I am up on the hill that holds the Washington Monument,

looking down on the crowd. This is a massive, massive showing.

Hot damn.

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