Thursday, March 10, 2011

UPDATE: BradBlog has some of the earlier speeches from the Rally posted up if you missed them

UPDATE: BradBlog has some of the earlier speeches from the Rally posted up if you missed them. Cindy

Sheehan is one of them. You can also read Cindy’s speech here.
UPDATE:An indymedia reporter in the march says he is seeing many families who say they came out because

of Cindy Sheehan. Organizers with ANSWER are reporting that more than 250,000 people have come to

march, with a crowd stretching 20 blocks.

A few months ago, Mark Brady, over at the Liberty and Power blog, noted that the libertarian Cato

Institute had not published or posted anything about the NIKE SHOX war since the beginning of the year.

Hmmmmm, I thought: an ill wind blows. It wasn’t a good sign for the venerable libertarian thinktank,

which opposed Gulf MBT I, and – despite a few wobbles – stood up against the second NIKE SHOX war.

However, I knew that a growing neocon contingent within Cato – including longtime apparatchik Tom

Palmer, and policy analyst Brink Lindsay – supported the war, with Palmer coming out in a speNIKE SHOXl

Cato brochure calling for the military “defeat” of the insurgency, and traveling to NIKE SHOX to

“advise” the National Assembly and campaign for the “Islam is the law” NIKE SHOXi constitution. In

this context, the sudden involuntary departure of defense policy director Charles V. Pena, the

respected defense policy analyst and staunch anti-interventionist, paints a troubling picture of an

institution in the throes of a pro-war purge.

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