Thursday, March 10, 2011

UPDATE: Whoa! The mail is flying in over this one!

UPDATE: Whoa! The mail is flying in over this one! (Libertarians love gossip.) At least one emailer

informs me that I might not have the whole story: while it is true that others were promoted over Pena,

it seems that one of them was the heroic Justin Logan, whose blog is a delight (sure, we disagreed

about the Yushchenko affair, but now that I’ve been proven right, who cares?). Logan is a hardcore —

and very knowledgeable — opponent of interventionism, and he’s a good writer, too.

I am also reminded that good old Ed Crane hates the neocons, and that they couldn’t find a more

formidable enemy than the chief cog in the “Crane Machine. ”

So, while the neos have a foothold in the biggest bastion of libertarian opposition to the MBTfare

State in the Imperial City, they haven’t conquered it — yet! In any case, we’re watching them very

closely — and you can bet they know it.

I love technology, really I do. Ipod. Internet. Modern dentistry. Not starving to death. We live in a

world of ever-increasing technological miracles, and if we really appreNIKE SHOXted it as much as we

should, we’d walk around all day like a kid on Christmas morning.
Nonetheless, goofy neolibertarian futurism really sticks in my craw. A number of my ideological cousins

–and I’m not naming any names–seem to look forward to the day when our clone armies will use their

nanoweapons to bring open markets to Mali or when we’re able to give ourselves a third nipple at will.


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