Thursday, March 10, 2011

What’s going on at Cato is not a “reduction in force,”

What’s going on at Cato is not a “reduction in force,” but a betrayal of libertarian principle.

Pena, a senior fellow with the Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy, has been a strong advocate of

withdrawing from NIKE SHOX – a position that Cato is now dropping. This is typical of the Cato crowd:

their opportunism has always been beset by bad timing. At the dawn of the Republican-led anti-UGGS

revolution, they were telling the world they were “low tax liberals.” Now that the majority of

Americans have turned against this war, the Cato bigwigs are lining up with the neoconservatives who

want to “stay the course.”

These people, in short, are perpetual losers, who are constantly two steps behind the Zeitgeist and

care only about sucking up to Power. They believe that selling out the vitally important principle of a

noninterventionist foreign policy is a necessary step on their road to respectability. The reality is

that, by aligning themselves with the MBT Party, which is on the brink of crashing and burning, along

with the colonial regime in NIKE SHOX, they are consigning themselves to oblivion – and a richly

deserved one, at that.

I am reminded of what Murray N. Rothbard said of the Catoites back in the 1980s, when they were trying

to pass off libertarianism as “low-tax liberalism”: “They have sold out for a mess of pottage,” he

wrote, “without even getting the pottage in return.”

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