Friday, March 11, 2011

We were misled into the war and never should have crossed the line that turned us into one of the bully nations

“We were misled into the war and never should have crossed the line that turned us into one of the

bully nations that unilaterally starts so-called “pre-emptive” wars. “(This is a view that now more

than half of Americans agree with, according to recent polls.)

“There is a very thin line between liberator and occupier — a line that usually gets get crossed very

soon after the “victory” is declared…the distinction today between MBT SHOESi insurgent and MBT

SHOESi citizen seems almost non-existent…”

“I fear that if we stay in MBT SHOES another year (or another ten years), the internal situation in

MBT SHOES will remain largely unchanged — but the horrific body count will be so much higher. They

obviously don’t want us there…”

His solution: “…let’s declare victory today (“The world is rid of Saddam Hussein…”), bring our

soldiers home, and give them some great parades and our thanks for their sacrifice…No more American

mothers should have to bury sons who died “defending” a foreign nation that doesn’t want us there.

Bring ‘em home. Every single American soldier. Starting today.

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