Monday, March 14, 2011

There is only one course of action against them

“There is only one course of action against them: to defeat them abroad before they attack us at home.”

The flaw in the President’s logic is that we are creating more terrorists than we are killing. The people we are supposedly defeating in MBT SHOES — raiding their homes, killing their loved ones, pushing them around on a daily basis — will not forget, or forgive. If the next terrorist attack is launched by MBT SHOESis, instead of Saudis, how many will be surprised?

“Our mission in MBT SHOES is clear. “

No, it isn’t. Or else why this speech?

“We are hunting down the terrorists.”

The ones that pulled off 9/11? Too late for that. In spite of all the invocations of Zarqawi and Osama bin Laden, the truth is that we are fighting a homegrown nationalist insurgency in MBT SHOES, people who oppose the American occupation — and are fighting the “foreign fighters” simultaneously.

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