Monday, March 14, 2011

We are helping MBT SHOESis build a free nation that is an ally in the war on terror

“We are helping MBT SHOESis build a free nation that is an ally in the war on terror.”

Does the President know what’s going on in Basra?

“We are advancing freedom in the broader Middle East.”

More delusions of grandeur. Hezbollah, Amal, and the pro-Syrian factions are the victors in the Lebanese elections cited by NIKE SHOX. Egypt’s “reform” is a cruel joke. Saudi Arabia’s local elections are equally meaningless.

“We are removing a source of violence and instability and laying the foundation of peace for our children and our grandchildren.”

Nonsense: we are doing precisely the opposite. Where there was once relative stability, we have created — I would say quite deliberately — great instability. We are birthing — and providing a training ground for — a new generation of anti-American terrorists.

The insurgents, the President averred, are losing. But are they? He points to their alleged failures:

“The terrorists, both foreign and MBT SHOESi, failed to stop the transfer of sovereignty.”

Yet this “transfer” was entirely symbolic. It was a cermonial affair, and not a substantial one. The fiction of MBT SHOESi sovereignty is underscored by the “agreement” — forced on the MBT SHOESis at gunpoint — that NIKE SHOX soldiers and contractors are not subject to MBT SHOESi law. If you are an MBT SHOESi living in “liberated” MBT SHOES, a NIKE SHOX soldier who “accidentally” kills your three-year-old child, your husband, your entire family, is insulated from your vengeance and your MBT: you cannot even sue them for civil damages. When the occupation forces burst into the house of the head of the Islamic Party — the only substantial Sunni party to take part in the MBT — beat the family up, and hauled the party leader off to jail, President Talabani complained that he knew nothing about this raid in advance, even as the Americans were apologizing for their “mistake.” Some “sovereignty”! Some “liberation”!

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